Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is God still in the healing business?

Do miracles still exist in this world, a world that is upside down & inside out with sin and corruption? I cannot even go where some people go. I have heard people say well if only they prayed harder or stayed on their knees longer they wouldn’t be suffering the way they are. Why would anyone suggest that a person’s pain or healing is a direct reflection of how many hours they spent praying or saying the right words to God? If they are not healed one of these “Christians” might imply that the healing did not take place because God just didn’t think their prayers were adequate or fancy enough. What is wrong with our Christian brothers and sisters today always looking toward the negative? Is the blessing the healing or is the blessing the journey home. Is actually being released from the trials and tribulations here on earth such a horrific scenario.

I use to be worried about dying but one day I realized that Heaven is the reward not the punishment. We are only here to learn how to worship him. Some of us take a little longer to be taught and some are required here to teach others.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Georgia Wife

Three men married wives from different states.

The first man married a woman from Michigan . He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day, he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away.

The second man married a woman from Missouri . He gave his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done and there was a huge dinner on the table.

The third man married a girl from Georgia . He ordered her to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything but by the third day, some of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, and his arm was healed enough that he could fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Building a Home

I am a follower of the blog “living learning and loving simply” this gal is living my dream life. No she is not wealthy in diamonds but her streets are paved with gold, no she doesn’t live in a mansion –yet! , no she doesn’t sit back eating bon bons all day –she makes her own. Sometimes you have to draw back on the reins of jealousy or coveting what your neighbors have not that I am “truly” jealous or coveting her life I am just missing my own. I miss being a Mama and I miss having a home to decorate. The light is at the end of the tunnel and sometimes I can see a faint glow. I just need to learn to walk instead of constantly trying to run and get no where- the treadmill of life.

When Scott and I married we decided (or had the decision made for us) that we would physically build our own home with help from no one. Well the foundation is set, the walls are up, the roof is on and things are starting to come together. It would have been much easier to just sit a double wide on this little spread God has given us but that wasn’t an option (it’s a money thang~). So one tree at a time (trees that would have been destroyed) one board at a time, a few band-aids, beans for supper, lots & lots of sweat and time and we are actually talking about buying our first new bed for our first new room!

I was reading Joyce Myers (whom inspires me) she says you can do anything God tells you can do- Awesome~). She also says it okay to ask God for money/wealth (for us a home) the key to it is ask that the Lord to bless you in order for you to be able to bless others. Well when building this house all I have ever wanted is to be able to fill it with love and laughter, family and friends. Imagine actually being able to say “come over, have a cup of coffee and talk with me”.

God doesn’t always make sense to us, as Scott and I have learned through our lives but that’s God! he isn’t suppose to make sense we are just suppose to follow his instructions. I know! easier said than done but it would save a lot of headaches if we just would.

Thank you God for all you have given me –All that you have taken from me and All that you have left me with.

God has given me much: a wonderful husband ,a precious little boy (which, yes, he has taken ,maybe I should say received from me) the ability to build a house and a home, wonderful parents, a knowledge and a thirst for learning more about a natural way of living and the tools in order to accomplish my goals.

The year 2009 has been my “waking up” year. As one of my friends puts it I'm officially saying my goodbyes to tainted-immature-psychotic-jealous-mentally unstable people…that are so jealous of the happiness and good fortune God has blessed my family with…knowing these people think so little of themselves that they try and bring me down!” I am not sure of her situation but I can say “Amen”.

It is just not worth sacrificing your joy when your Joy is a gift from God.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Religion and Rules-

Religion and Rules-
Being Friends with God

As I was reading one of my favorite authors, Joyce Myers, I am amazed how God works. He knows exactly what I need to hear out loud. In Joyce’s book “Joy redefined – Loving Jesus” Joyce is speaking on a truth I have been carrying around for years. Of course the thoughts get stronger every time we leave a church, we have become members of, because of some rule or regulation “THEY” have set that determines if we are appropriate for this job or that within the church. What happened to Christians being led by the Holy Spirit and not the rules and regulations of the church? I have a few things to say to those churches who believe they are the authority; My God knows me better than your rules writing committee and your bylaws. If I listen with my heart He will lead my path through this life.
I have been so hurt by so many religious organizations (churches). They preach forgiveness but don’t forgive. They preach love for all but don’t love all. We were members of one church where the preacher stood in the pulpit and said that the best thing for the homosexuals would be for all “us” Christians to round them up and kill them all. A preacher in the pulpit!! I only wish that were the worst thing he ever said.
We have been members of 3 different churches since we have been married –we have been hurt by each church in different ways. Preachers that won’t lead and church members who won’t follow, Preachers who do not stand up for their convictions so they can be people pleasers. Church members who only go to check off their list-went to church √ .
Each one of the churches has taken a little bit of my spirit and left me questioning my Christianity. I stopped questioning my Christianity and started questioning theirs. I have held animosity and bitterness towards them. God is opening my eyes that they are not my problem and that if they need to be told how to live it is His job.
I have always wondered if anyone else believed the same as I did –of course I know there are a lot of people who condemn the church for hypocrisy and have their own ill will toward the churches. But I mean someone who thinks that all the rules the church sets forth is just not right. Listen to God and let him lead your life not people. And low and behold here comes Joyce Myers!

Religion and Rules will never give you true Joy-JM
Being a Christian is not about following rules and adhering to some sort of religious code-JM

Jesus loves everyone and no one is excluded. Do not worry about being allowed into some churches because Jesus would say “Don’t worry they don’t want me in there either”.
It is not the place of Christians or the church to judge others –we need to focus on bringing people into God’s circle- having a personal relationship with Him. Christianity is not about rules and regulations is about the Relationship – The Holy Spirit will guide and lead new Christians (and old ) in the right and wrongs of their walk.
I will never become a member of another church but I will always be a Christian.
God is my commander and he believes in Me and my Marriage.

Scott and I have been talking for years about how nice it would be to have just a small group meet here at the house- no one “in charge” but a group of Christians fellowshipping and learning about God without someone telling them its time to do this or let me tell you the rules. This is the way the author of “Purpose Driven Life” book started one of the largest churches in America. He and group of friends would meet in his living room because he saw that the way the churches were doing wasn’t working to bring people closer to God. As Doug Kaufmann says “If you always do what you have always done; you will always get what you always got” in this case dead in the water Christians just going through the paces of theirs lives. We will see what God thinks…..

Friday, September 25, 2009

Antibiotics don’t work on sinus infections:

Have you been fighting a sinus infection for months on end? Taking round of round of antibiotics and feeling worse? Antibiotics don’t work for sinus infections. Why?
Sinus infections are fungal related. Actually more than 90% are attributed to fungus or mold. The most common mold, found within the home, is aspergillus. Aspergillus is commonly found on stored grain but that’s another story ”why I don’t eat grain and neither should you”. Recent studies have shown that even if your sinus infection is caused by bacteria that antibiotics cannot reach the deep sinus cavities making them pretty much useless but harmful.
Side effects of antibiotics: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, yeast infections, skin rashes, fever and anaphylactic shock. So yes if you don’t need them don’t risk taking them. There is also growing concern of antibiotic resistance. When you do need them they don’t work. We are being bombarded with antibiotics on a daily basis. The meats we eat are loaded with antibiotics, is it any wonder antibiotics don’t work and we have to take stronger and stronger more and more rounds of antibiotics. Look for and buy antibiotic hormone free meats. Organic grass fed is the best but taking a small step to better health is better than not taking any steps.
~What to do: Drink lots and lots of water (drink it warm never cold- you can add lemon, honey and/or apple cider vinegar which is a natural anti-fungal). Herbal teas (ones that do not contain black tea) are also useful and some herbal products (recommendations below). Your goal is to keep the mucus membrane moist and avoid drying and clogging up the sinus cavities causing pressure and pain. Avoid caffeine (aka: Guarana, Ma Huang, Ephedra) as it dehydrating and reduces your immune function. Steamy hot showers do help and a great product for opening the sinus is Castile liquid soap peppermint scented. While fighting a sinus infection avoid dairy produts such as milk and cheese but yogurt can be helpful (probiotics). Also avoid all grains-wheat and corn.
I like to use Seagate Olive Leaf nasal spray, oil of oregano, Kyolic garlic and the essential oils peppermint, rosemary and eucalyptus. You can buy a diffuser for the oils (you can also use it as a safer room freshener-which I have found the commercial room fresheners to cause headaches). You can also place a few drops in your palm rub together to warm the oil and cup hands over nose and breath it in.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mr.Salmon to wed Ms.Tomato

(Genetically Modified Organisms)

Amazing! And not in a good way. A salmon walks into a bar and meets the lovely juicy red tomato she’s cold and Mr. Salmon warms her up. They give birth to the new better ? Tomato. They call it “Hybrid” - the combination of two or more different things , to accomplish a specific goal. In this case to create a tomato that will grow in cold weather.
I know it sounds crazy but scientist have discovered a way to extend the growing season of a tomato by introducing the DNA of salmon (who thrive in cold) with the tomato (that die in the cold). And if you think this is an isolated case think again. Mad scientist at work. Don’t they know not to mess with God creations.
I recently read an article about chickens who refused to eat their feed (Dr. Mercola)-. The owner had the corn tested and found out that the corn had been GM (genetically modified) to produce proteins that were toxic to certain insects and weeds. Chickens are not as dumb as they appear. They sensed the toxins and refused to eat. I have read studies that say that we can no longer sense the chemicals in our food supply because the chemicals have dulled our senses and I believe it. In my home we eat as much organic food as possible and if we can’t find or afford organic we soak and wash our foods in special wash to remove the toxins and pesticides.
Our 15 yrs old Chihuahua proved the sense theory when we started feeding him organically grown baby carrots (just a few cents more than regular). My Mother buys (WAS buying) non organic carrots for her dogs but organic for herself. She handed my doggie a carrot and he literally put his nose in the air and refused it. He loves his carrots so this seemed odd- we tried again same thing. I reached in the fridge and got one of the organic carrots and handed it to him -he chowed down and wanted more. Tried the regular carrot again -nose up /refused. I was so totally laughing. But I also looked at my Mom and said "see I told you there’s something in those carrots".
A 2003 report from the British Institute of Science shows that animals seek to avoid GM foods and do not thrive if given no other choice.
Jeffrey Smith, the author of “Seeds of Deception”, has documented 65 health risks associated GM

Autoimmune disease and food allergies have skyrocketed since GM foods were introduced into our food supply. That brings me to another point , there is no labeling for GM foods. You may see on a label this food is non GMO but legally foods do not list they have been genetically modified.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) on May 19, 2009 sent a a press advisory calling on all Physicians “to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM foods when possible, and to provide educational materials concerning GM foods and their risks.
AAEM states several studies that show health risks associated with GM foods. Including:
Immune Problems
Accelerated Aging
Insulin regulation
Changes in Major Organs
Gastrointestinal Problems

Animal Studies.
European Journal of Histochemistry reported over half of the babies of mother rats fed gmo soy dies within 3 weeks.
2003 India farmers reported 1,000’s of deaths of sheep and other small livestock after eating harvested GM fields.
Jeffrey Smith, reports US Farmers found 1,000’s of their pigs sterile after consuming GM corn. Cows and bulls also became sterile on the same corn.
India reports the same with their buffalo grazing on GM corn fields. Infertility, miscarriages and low birth rates and death of many of the offspring that were born.

We are part of the food chain and we are eating these animals. And for those vegetarians out there- the animals were eating grasses and grains. Makes you sit back and think-or least I hope it does.
Check this link our to find a non-gmo shopping guide

After writing this I found another web link to an article (reported by ABC news) about cloned fish protein found in icecream to make the frozen treat smoother. Can you say G-ROSS

Friday, September 4, 2009

Proverbs: A Merry Heart does good like medicine

My husband and I along with his mother one day decided to go visit his Aunt who lived not far away. She was a sweet lady with a positive outlook on life (she was in her 80’s) and thank the Lord had a good sense of humor. She believed she had spirits floating around in the air of her home and I told her she better get some Lysol. I have always believed you can’t take things too seriously. God intended us to laugh. Now before I begin this little story I just want you to know … I am not saying my mother in law is intellectually challenged ,she like me as my Papa use to say “Honey whatever comes up (in your head) comes out (your mouth)..sometimes we speak before we think. Anyways…she is sitting across from my husband and I looking at my husband (her son) and says, “I believe me and your father (my husband’s biological father) must be related because you look just like both of us”.


Natural sugar comes from sugar cane and sugar beets. I remember my grandfather, a south Ga. farmer, growing sugar cane. We would sit on the fence outside the garden and Papa would take out his knife cut the sugar cane into pieces for each of us kids to gnaw on (gnaw on -that's a southern term =to chew on). It was a real treat. Sugar ain't (isn't) what it use to be. Papa’s was naturally grown with the help of God. Today, sugar is manufactured in the “lab” by man. Table sugar, or sucrose is made by removing everything from the sugar cane but the sucrose (not to be confuse with sucralose which is artificial sweetner/Splenda). One of the components removed is fiber. When the fiber is removed the sugar enters our blood stream at a much faster rate. The fiber slows it down. We get a sugar high and then we bottom out. An interesting fact is that the workers that harvest the sugar cane chew on the sugar cane all day and there is a low rate of diabetes within them. They are eating the sugar in its natural God made state. Not everyone can process sugar, diabetics for instance. Doctors advice diabetics to consume artificial sweeteners. If you read the article "Is the GRAS greener on the other side" you know that this is a mistake. One thing you need to remember about doctors is, they are not nutritionists. They are only taught a small percentage about nutrition in medical school, if any. This is why they refer you to a dietitian or nutritional counselor. There are alternatives to refined sugar. One being honey. In its raw state honey enters the bloodstream fairly slow. The key word is raw, honey should not be heated. Heating honey changes its properties, so honey is not a good alternative for cooking. One that I like best is Stevia (a herb). Remember from the GRAS article, my philosophy is “if you can’t grow it don’t eat it”. I have a small container growing in my yard. You don’t have to grow Stevia yourself its just good to know you can. Stevia is sold in health food stores and of course the Internet(I am currently using NOW Foods brand that I purchased via the internet It is sold in form of ground Stevia herb( this is the actual plant ground-it needs to be diluted), a fine white powder (like sugar) and liquid (which can be processed with glycerin or alcohol). It only takes a few drops of the liquid, Stevia is considered 100 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia does not affect blood sugar and is recommended for people with diabetes.

Is the" GRAS" greener on the other side?

GRAS -“Generally Regarded as SAFE”. The compromise between our government and our food. In 1960, during the term of President Eisenhower, a committee was formed to study the safety of our food. This committee reported back to the President that chemicals, additives that caused cancer in animals could cause cancer in people too. This prompted a new law, the food industry would have to prove an additive was safe before its use was allowed. Under the Delany clause, requested by Representative Delany from New York, any substance that caused cancer would not be allowed in any amount. Testing for each substance would require hundreds of thousands of dollars and a 5 year study on each. At the time there were already 768 additives on the market and testing all these did not seem possible. The government, in its infinite wisdom, decided to make these already in circulation additives part of the first additives on the GRAS list without testing for safety. These first additives include preservatives, sweeteners, stabilizers, and artificial flavors. All new substances would have to pass tests to prove they were safe and free from cancer causing effects. Now remember, President Eisenhower’s committee reported that what causes cancer in animals could cause cancer in humans. When you dine out and reach for that pink packet to sweeten your tea, you know what it says, “causes cancer in lab mice”. But according to the Delany clause, any substance that causes cancer in any amount will not be allowed in our food. Why is the “pretty in pink” still on the table? It is one of the first 768 substances on the GRAS that the government choose to not have tested for safety because of time and money. It has been around since 1879. But all new substances entering the food supply since 1958 are safe, right? The Food industry found a loop hole. New substances were made from a combination of the original 768 substances on the GRAS list that were not tested, therefore these new substances did not have to be tested. One of these new additives was the ever popular, made from real sugar, the artificial sweetener in the little yellow packet on the table. True to its word this “harmless” sweetener is made from real sugar but added to that real sugar is chlorine through a process of hydrogenation. Hydrogenation, where have we seen that? On warning labels that tell us hydrogenated oils can cause heart disease and elevated cholesterol. In 1972 the United Sates banned the use of DDT . ( "An end to the continued domestic usage of the pesticide was decreed on June 14, 1972, when William D. Ruckelshaus, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, issued an order finally cancelling nearly all remaining Federal registrations of DDT products...Ruckelshaus said he was convinced that the continued massive use of DDT posed unacceptable risks to the environment and potential harm to human" health. What does DDT have to do with my morning coffee, you may ask. Did ya’ know ..that harmless yellow packet you tear open or dip out of the “sugar” bowl is almost DDT. Scientists have found that this sweetener is one atom (what scientist once believed to be the smallest thing on Earth) from being DDT. Even decades after the banning DDT remains in our soil and DDT stores itself in animal and human tissue. So is this sweet little substance innocent after all? Some scientist believe that artificial sweetners have the same ability to take up residence in our tissues and organs. What’s a girl (or guy)to do? My philosophy is ...if God didn't make it ...“if you can’t grow it in your (or someone else’s) backyard” or “if it has to be produced in a laboratory” then it does not belong in your mouth or on your body. Read labels, every time you buy an item because ingredients do change, if you can’t pronounce it don’t buy it. Or better yet do your research

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathic Doctor:
The dictionary defines "doctor" as a teacher. A naturopath is a teacher of natural means for enhancing health, wellness and longevity. Naturopathy is not a system of medicine, diagnosis or treatments such as are held by the medical societies, but a lifestyle of practices which builds immunity, improves mental health and enhances body function. Every person has the right to learn of the natural God-given, life-enhancing practices embodied in naturopathy which will help him/her maintain mental, physical and emotional health.
Naturopathy embodies philosophies and principles involving pure water,clean air, wholesome food, proper diet and nutrition, exercise, proper living, appropriate rest, right thinking, absence from toxic substances,body ecology, effective management of stress and a number of other natural subjects which lead to a balanced living concept.
Physical health is primarily a reflection of God's universal law of cause and effect. A man reaps what he sows.
How we care for our bodies is both a physical and spiritual issue which impacts our health and the health of our offspring. In cases where health principles have been violated the only true "cure" is for the body to
restore its own protective mechanisms by removing those physical and spiritual roadblocks which hinder proper restoration and/or healing.

Measure of a Man

A song that always reminds me of my husband.

If one day you discover him
Broken down he's lost everything
No cars, no fancy clothes to make him who he's not
The woman at his side is all that he has got
Why do you ask him move to heaven and earth
To prove his love has worth?

Would he walk on water (if he could)
Would he run through fire (no doubt)
Would he stand before you (yes)
When it is down to the wire
Would he gave his life up (yes)
To be all he can
Is that, is that, is that how you measure a man

Clay Aiken

I Believe

I believe(that reminds me of that Redneck Comedy guy- Larry the Cable guy---I believeeeee)

~I believe in a God who is fair, just and lays down the law when needed. I believe it is our job to trust and not question God even when things don't make sense.

~I believe in unanswered prayers and I am thankful that God knew best and ignored my pleading.

~I believe that Freedom isn't Free

~I believe that if you don't like what values and morals the school system is teaching your children teach them yourself. You can't control God within the schools but you can within your own home.

~I believe that a wife and mother should have the right to raise her children in her own home without criticism of those who chose not to.

~I believe that this country and our churches need to start acting more and reacting less. Prayer is necessary but it doesn't put food in an empty belly.

~ I believe that you raised me as a child, trust yourself that you taught well enough to make my own decisions and mistakes.

~I believe that families should never fight, bicker, and bite but I believe that you can only make this decision for yourself. You can not control the actions of others. Sometimes you have to walk away.

~I believe that children should be respectful and when they are not it is a reflection on the parents.

~ I believe that you are what you eat.

~ I believe in nature not man.

~I believe that it only takes good men to do nothing in order for sin to exist.

~I believe that if you sit back and do nothing, nothing is what you get.

~I believe that children have the right to be children, it only last a few short years. They should be able to live ,laugh and play in world that is safe.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I am Who I am

I am the daughter of the farmers daughter. I come from men who led platoons and pigs. Who drove tanks and tractors. My father’s father served and retired from the United States Army, my father was a soldier in the Army. My mother’s father was a Georgia farmer, from pigs to peanuts and back again. My mother was a homemaker and a working mother. My husband is a Firefighter/Fire LT.
Me, I am who I am and nothing more. God sent me here to live the life he chose and to survive the choices I have made and experiences he has provided. Goodness still exist within me despite the experiences that have trampled me into dust. I have forgiveness for the cruel, Family and Friendship mean more to me than any possession that this man made world has to offer.