Friday, September 25, 2009

Antibiotics don’t work on sinus infections:

Have you been fighting a sinus infection for months on end? Taking round of round of antibiotics and feeling worse? Antibiotics don’t work for sinus infections. Why?
Sinus infections are fungal related. Actually more than 90% are attributed to fungus or mold. The most common mold, found within the home, is aspergillus. Aspergillus is commonly found on stored grain but that’s another story ”why I don’t eat grain and neither should you”. Recent studies have shown that even if your sinus infection is caused by bacteria that antibiotics cannot reach the deep sinus cavities making them pretty much useless but harmful.
Side effects of antibiotics: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, yeast infections, skin rashes, fever and anaphylactic shock. So yes if you don’t need them don’t risk taking them. There is also growing concern of antibiotic resistance. When you do need them they don’t work. We are being bombarded with antibiotics on a daily basis. The meats we eat are loaded with antibiotics, is it any wonder antibiotics don’t work and we have to take stronger and stronger more and more rounds of antibiotics. Look for and buy antibiotic hormone free meats. Organic grass fed is the best but taking a small step to better health is better than not taking any steps.
~What to do: Drink lots and lots of water (drink it warm never cold- you can add lemon, honey and/or apple cider vinegar which is a natural anti-fungal). Herbal teas (ones that do not contain black tea) are also useful and some herbal products (recommendations below). Your goal is to keep the mucus membrane moist and avoid drying and clogging up the sinus cavities causing pressure and pain. Avoid caffeine (aka: Guarana, Ma Huang, Ephedra) as it dehydrating and reduces your immune function. Steamy hot showers do help and a great product for opening the sinus is Castile liquid soap peppermint scented. While fighting a sinus infection avoid dairy produts such as milk and cheese but yogurt can be helpful (probiotics). Also avoid all grains-wheat and corn.
I like to use Seagate Olive Leaf nasal spray, oil of oregano, Kyolic garlic and the essential oils peppermint, rosemary and eucalyptus. You can buy a diffuser for the oils (you can also use it as a safer room freshener-which I have found the commercial room fresheners to cause headaches). You can also place a few drops in your palm rub together to warm the oil and cup hands over nose and breath it in.


  1. Also try Pau D' Arco tea - 1 cup twice a day. Heartweed

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