(Genetically Modified Organisms)
Amazing! And not in a good way. A salmon walks into a bar and meets the lovely juicy red tomato she’s cold and Mr. Salmon warms her up. They give birth to the new better ? Tomato. They call it “Hybrid” - the combination of two or more different things , to accomplish a specific goal. In this case to create a tomato that will grow in cold weather.
I know it sounds crazy but scientist have discovered a way to extend the growing season of a tomato by introducing the DNA of salmon (who thrive in cold) with the tomato (that die in the cold). And if you think this is an isolated case think again. Mad scientist at work. Don’t they know not to mess with God creations.
I recently read an article about chickens who refused to eat their feed (Dr. Mercola)-. The owner had the corn tested and found out that the corn had been GM (genetically modified) to produce proteins that were toxic to certain insects and weeds. Chickens are not as dumb as they appear. They sensed the toxins and refused to eat. I have read studies that say that we can no longer sense the chemicals in our food supply because the chemicals have dulled our senses and I believe it. In my home we eat as much organic food as possible and if we can’t find or afford organic we soak and wash our foods in special wash to remove the toxins and pesticides.
Our 15 yrs old Chihuahua proved the sense theory when we started feeding him organically grown baby carrots (just a few cents more than regular). My Mother buys (WAS buying) non organic carrots for her dogs but organic for herself. She handed my doggie a carrot and he literally put his nose in the air and refused it. He loves his carrots so this seemed odd- we tried again same thing. I reached in the fridge and got one of the organic carrots and handed it to him -he chowed down and wanted more. Tried the regular carrot again -nose up /refused. I was so totally laughing. But I also looked at my Mom and said "see I told you there’s something in those carrots".
A 2003 report from the British Institute of Science shows that animals seek to avoid GM foods and do not thrive if given no other choice.
Jeffrey Smith, the author of “Seeds of Deception”, has documented 65 health risks associated GM
Autoimmune disease and food allergies have skyrocketed since GM foods were introduced into our food supply. That brings me to another point , there is no labeling for GM foods. You may see on a label this food is non GMO but legally foods do not list they have been genetically modified.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) on May 19, 2009 sent a a press advisory calling on all Physicians “to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM foods when possible, and to provide educational materials concerning GM foods and their risks.
AAEM states several studies that show health risks associated with GM foods. Including:
Immune Problems
Accelerated Aging
Insulin regulation
Changes in Major Organs
Gastrointestinal Problems
Animal Studies.
European Journal of Histochemistry reported over half of the babies of mother rats fed gmo soy dies within 3 weeks.
2003 India farmers reported 1,000’s of deaths of sheep and other small livestock after eating harvested GM fields.
Jeffrey Smith, reports US Farmers found 1,000’s of their pigs sterile after consuming GM corn. Cows and bulls also became sterile on the same corn.
India reports the same with their buffalo grazing on GM corn fields. Infertility, miscarriages and low birth rates and death of many of the offspring that were born.
We are part of the food chain and we are eating these animals. And for those vegetarians out there- the animals were eating grasses and grains. Makes you sit back and think-or least I hope it does.
Check this link our to find a non-gmo shopping guide
After writing this I found another web link to an article (reported by ABC news) about cloned fish protein found in icecream to make the frozen treat smoother. Can you say G-ROSS
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